Moondram Ulaga Por

In Indian literature, there is a belief in the presence of heaven and hell. Yama is the god who decides whether a person goes to heaven or hell according to their past deeds. 'Y ama was concerned one day because there was an enormous surge of individuals into hell, and he was having trouble finding a place. He was therefore searching for other choices. Naradhar asked him about the issue while he was passing him at that moment. Upon hearing about Yama's pitiful circumstances, Naradhar proposed a remedy. "Hey Yama, don't worry, there is a country named India. Send those who you wish to send to hell to India and train them to be farmers." Yama was overjoyed. He gave Naradhar a hug and thanked him. ' The above story aims to portray reality rather than criticise Indian farmers. There have already been two world wars. The globe's population is always afraid of a third-world war. The third world war, according to author Vairamuthu, has already begun. It's n...