The Old man and the Sea

If you are beginner who is about to start your reading journey, then “The old man and the Sea” written by Ernest Hemingway is the best book to kick-start. It is a short novel about the old man named Santiago, a fisher man who hasn’t got any fish for the past 84 days. He was considered as unlucky by his villagers as he couldn’t catch a fish. His helper boy, who was very close to him and accompanied him in all his journey, left him because of his parents’ push. Now he was left all alone. Still his energy is not down. He decided to give an another try. This time, he decided not to return without catching a fish. Whether he succeeded in his journey is the rest of the story. When he started his journey to catch a fish in his skiff, he encountered a marlin , which was 18 feet long. Initially, he did not aim for it. But he saw the fish following him, and thought that this would be his prey. He made several attempts, where he got cramps, he lost his food, still he was pursuing his prey. Fin...