Life's Amazing Secrets

Weary of facing challenges in life? Feeling impatient with life? Do you feel bitter towards God because your life is so difficult? Not able to make a relationship work? Unable to experience happiness in life? The book "Life's Amazing Secrets" by Gaur Gopal Das will provide you with the answers to all your problems if you deal with any of these or similar issues. Whether one is rich or not, most people struggle to live peacefully, regardless of their financial situation. The main reason is that we don't know how to live a balanced and meaningful life. Harry, one of the author's wealthy friends, was very bewildered as the author began to explain the ideas. He uses the example of a car to illustrate his points. All cars have four wheels that bear the same amount of weight on the axle. Any one of these wheels could lose air, which would reduce the car's speed. A loss of any of the wheels is fatal. The four wheels must be constantly inspected and maint...