Kottaipurathu Veedu

When we say, we are rich, what does it implies? Whether it only means that we have more money, we can buy anything, and we can do anything? Do richness doesn’t have any correlation to self-discipline?  Do rich individuals don't need to respect others and only want to be respected in return? Is justice not applied equally to all? To all the queries and annoyances, the author Indra Soundarajan created an incredible thriller story "Kottaipurathu Veedu".

One could initially assume from the name that this tale is all about ghosts and mystery. However, when one reads on, they can experience a suspense thriller along with many in-depth messages. Though the story starts with the introduction of today's characters Archana and Visu, the foundation of this story was laid in early 1920s by Vangiammal and Nanduvadakan. Archana and Visu loved each other and after completing his graduation, Visu got back to his home town. He is a member of the royal family, and his family resided in a big palace at Kottayapuram.

After returning to his hometown, Visu was immediately taken to a temple where the goddess "Ponnidevi" resides. His older brother was surrounded by all of his family members, and there were numerous rituals taking place. When Visu asked about it, he was informed of a family curse.  According to the curse, no men in his family will live to be older than 30. In order to save his brother, his entire family has gathered in Ponnidevi's temple, as that day was his brother's 30th birthday. This belief is absurd, so why bother about such irrational things, Visu became enraged. However, his bigger brother's face was turning pale since he was so scared about the curse.

He had bodyguards protecting him at all times, a doctor was with him at all times, in case of an emergency, and every meal that was provided to him was carefully checked. After the Pooja to Ponnidevi was over, Visu's brother was instructed to worship in front of the statue of Ponnidevi, which was in a small, dark room. When he was doing so, a poisonous snake which somehow entered the pray hall, bit him and he got died immediately.

This incident left everyone in disbelief, and Visu was surprised. Nobody could respond. Since Visu is now the last male descendent of the palace, everyone echoed in agreement that no one can escape the curse and turned their attention to him. Visu began to believe the curse after witnessing all these unanticipated events and developed a peculiar anxiety.

What took place next? Whether he managed to escape the curse? What is the purpose of the curse? Who cast it? Why did they give? Is the horoscope accurate? How did Archana assist Visu in overcoming his fear of dying? Whether their relationship was successful? With so many curious questions, the author moved the book forward in a steady and engaging manner. The author has insightfully described the numerous illegal and unjust actions taken by the Kottaiyapuram ruling class. The caste system's dominance of society, the vulgarity that was displayed toward women, and the poor treatment of lower caste members as slaves were all represented in this novel.

I was extremely struck by the book's depiction of the dark areas in our society. I was so disturbed at the mistreatment of lower caste women. Why those men with high influential power use them to harm the weak people? This is still the same in our current society. And women in particular are only valued as a delicacy object for sex. Are they not human beings? Do they not experience emotions? Treating everyone equally, regardless of gender, isn't the fundamental thing to do. There are so many questions that we feel like we could explode. Along with a thriller story, this book address various evil sides of the society. I believe this will make people to think and act as better humans. Do give a read!

Change happens only when we are ready to change. Let’s change for a good cause!


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