Vattiyum Mudhalum

As A.A. Milne pointed out, sometimes the smallest things take up the most room in our hearts. We will begin to realise how big the world is when we begin to notice the simple things around us. Humans are social creatures. One can't survive on one's own. Society as a whole survives. Therefore, it is more crucial to know about today's society. The author Raju Murugan discusses his experiences with his society in his novel Vattiyum Mudhalum. He depicts his journey, including the numerous individuals he encountered, the experiences they provided, the lessons he learned, and so forth. 

The author walks us through every experience a person might possibly have. There are so many incidents going on all the time. However, not all of us will be recording every occurrence. This book is a collection of these things that we already know but have neglected to take into consideration. Everyone has the potential to teach us something. The crucial thing is that we should be ready and willing to pick up the elements. 

In one of the chapters, the author wondered how mobile phones had altered our lives. How many dramas have been produced by these mobiles nowadays? How many times do we tell a consumer to call back later because we are in a meeting when we are actually free? These days, people frequently carry three separate mobile phone numbers with them to escape from one person to another. "Why didn't you pick up when I called you ten times?" How frequently do husband and wife arguments like this occur? How often do we insult customer service representatives for their constant calls? There is no end to it. Twenty years ago, a cell phone was formerly regarded as a sign of a VIP personality. VIPs are now turning off their mobile phones and taking vacations. It's a new world now. Isn’t it?

This book contained a chapter that reminded me the importance of words. What do we remember after attending a funeral for a person? Their words. Isn't it? It can be the words that were said or the words that weren't said. Similar to this, everyone of us has a large number of words that we have never been able to express. How many of us speak to our pets on a regular basis? A temple's walls would contain a larger vocabulary than a Wikipedia entry. Each of us is experiencing a variety of feelings that are difficult to describe.

The effort of a cobbler to get one meal per day, the distance traveled by a street vegetable vendor, the cries of a homeless child, a youngster who cannot continue his education, and working as a hotel table cleaner were things that very few of us could truly understand. Not everyone enjoys a life with a healthy diet, a good job, and happiness. Everybody has their own struggles in life, hopes for love, and goals to pursue. The author has effectively captured every single moment.

There are numerous situations in this book where one may think, Oh! I experienced this. This is not a book that should be read in one sitting. The book's chapters will lead us to various moments of our lives. "Enjoy the little things in life, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things." This book teaches us how to enjoy life.

Enjoy Reading!


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