Sayangala Megangal

Boominathan is a middle-class, educated man who lives in Chennai with his mother. Though he graduated, he was driving an auto since he liked what he did. He is also a voracious reader who reads a lot of self-help and communist books. One day, a passenger named Chitra left her handbag in his auto while traveling. Boomi noticed this after a while when the next passenger got into his auto. Being an honest man, Boomi found Chitra’s location with the slip in her handbag and returned to her. During the conversation, Chitra found that Boomi is not just an ordinary auto driver; his passion for books and his vision for social causes are big. The book Sayangala Megangal, written by Na. Parthasarathy, brings us an interesting story with our protagonist, Boominathan.

It's not just Boomi and Chitra's love story. It largely focuses on Boomi's sense of duty for others, how he supports others around him, and how he overcomes obstacles. Boomi is drawn to Chitra since they both have a passion for reading. The author makes us travel with Boomi and shows how he steps up and supports everyone during his journey.

In his neighborhood, a famous mess was run by a widow named Muthakka. It was more affordable for Boomi and his fellow drivers to dine at her mess. One day, some local gangsters who were supported by the politician showed up at her mess and demanded money. Muthakka was not operating her business profitably, and when the gangsters demand money, she typically fulfills rather than refusing because she doesn't want to upset the politicians. Boomi, however, was not pleased with the circumstances, so he intervened and took flight for Muthakka against the gangsters. But his bravery had a very negative side effect. Overnight, the gangsters looted the mess.

How did Bhoomi assist Muthakka in continuing to manage the mess? What difficulties did he encounter? Did he succeed in challenging political power? How did Chitra support him along the way? The answers to all these queries progress the plot.

The author presented a neat, simple narrative. Through the course of the novel, the author subtly deepened Chitra and Bhoomi's romance. As they overcome several obstacles together, their love slowly grows between them. The author's moral, which is presented at the beginning of each chapter, was the most prominent aspect of this work. It helps us recognize the societal ills that exist in our society. The necessity of youngsters taking on social duty and tackling issues face-to-face rather than fleeing from them was also stressed by the author.

"உலகில் முக்கால்வாசி மனிதர்கள் பிறர் பார்த்து ரசிக்கவும், வியக்கவும், மருளவும் மட்டுமே ஏற்ற சாயங்கால மேகங்களைப் போலத்தான் வாழ்கிறார்கள்! அவர்கள் பிறர் பயன் பெறப் பெய்யும் மழைக் காலத்துக் கார்மேகங்களாக வாழ விரும்புவதில்லை!"

Even though the book was written in the late 1990s, the issues it addresses are still prevalent in today's society, making it easy for readers to relate to the current circumstances. One of the good books for beginners to kick-start their reading journey.

Do give it a try!


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